Phoenix Scottish Pipe Band

The Phoenix Scottish Pipe Band is a not for profit organization (EIN 86-6057305) incorporated under the laws of the State of Arizona. Your tax deductible contribution is appreciated and will help to keep this vibrant music alive. Those wishing to make a donation to the band, please contact Kathy Wood at (602) 274-8081.
You can show your support by wearing your Phoenix Scottish Pipe Band Temporary Tattoos!

We have our logo (the one in the upper left hand corner of this page) on temporary tattoos. The cost is 3 for $1.00. To order, please send $1.00 for each 3 tattoos in a self addressed stamped envelope to:

Glenn Anderson
44015 North 20th Street
New River, Arizona 85087-0925

Please make checks payable to: Phoenix Scottish Pipe Band.